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We encourage everyone who comes to our church to be part of a small group that we call a 'LIFEgroup'. A LIFEgroup is simply a handful of Christian friends who are committed to helping each other follow Jesus. The first followers of Jesus met like this in small groups in each other's homes (see Acts 2.42-46).  As the name suggests these groups are about doing LIFE together.

LIFEgroups have 4 essential components, values if you like:

  • Learning – They are about learning together from God’s word and from each other’s LIFE experiences

  • Intercession – We pray (intercede) on behalf of others

  • Friendship – They aim to form genuine friendships and not just superficial acquaintances

  • Equipping – They are equipping to live the Christian life and to reach others with the gospel

LIFEgroups are all about being part of a small community and forming deepening relationships with others and are one of the best ways to find support and encouragement in our spiritual journey. They are also a good way to reach out with the good news of Jesus into the local community.  LIFEgroups are usually held weekly.

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