Lilly's Story

I am a child of the biggest childrens family in the world Dr Barnardos having been left on their doorstep at about six weeks old.
I grew up with little love or affection and life was very regimented, I had few friends and struggled emotionally.
I was introduced to church life at a very young age and at around 10 years of age i joined the church choir.
I married at eighteen had two children and by the age of twenty eight was left to raise them alone. I had turned my back on the church when I got married, no reason. I guess at the time, I had all I needed.
The years rolled by and I realised my faith had diminished.
In recent years I've dealt with more than one can deal with, then I remembered GOD DOES NOT GIVE YOU WHAT YOU CAN HANDLE, GOD HELPS YOU HANDLE WHAT YOU ARE GIVEN. That is when I needed my faith back, and Thrapston Baptist church has helped me enormously .
Ever since I accepted Jesus back into my life everything feels better and I knew that God is watching over me today, tomorrow and forever.
I have my faith back and gained a whole new family in you, my brothers and sisters within the church.
Thank you for welcoming me and I pledge to serve God to the best of my best ability - always.